Inspection Type

Quality inspection types have Pre-Production Inspection,During Production Inspection,Final Random Inspection and 100% Total Inspection.


Final Random Inspection

The most traditional kind of inspection that is performed on exports from China is the Final Random Inspection before shipment. It takes place once 100% of shipment quantity is finished and at least 80% is packed, so it can be a real random inspection (this is not exactly the case if quality is checked earlier) and suppliers cannot play games.  Inspectors randomly inspect batches of products to check compliance to the specifications and requirements, including cosmetics, function and packaging. It is based on a statistical approach know as AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) and defined during World War II for the US military, that allows to test only a small number of units out of a large batch of products.

Quality Inspection AQL standard

TONGXIANG LUDA INSPECTION CO., LTD use the well-proven and widely adopted international standard ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 (equivalent to MIL-STD-105e, ISO2859, NF06-022, BS6001, DIN40080, and GB2828) to measure the acceptable quality level of the products inspected.

Definition and application of ‘AQL’
The “AQL tables” are statistical tools at the disposal of buyers (for product inspections).The limit, is called the ‘AQL’. It stands for ‘Acceptance Quality Limit’, and is defined as the “quality level that is the worst tolerable” (ISO 2859 standard). General Inspection Level II is usually applied to determine the inspection sample size for cosmetic and functional check. Special Inspection Level will be applied for safety, reliability, performance or other special test if whereas applicable.

In practice, three types of defects are distinguished. For most consumer goods, the default limits are:

•0% for critical defects (totally unacceptable: a user might get harmed, or regulations are not respected).
•2.5% for major defects (these products would usually not be considered acceptable by the end user).
•4.0% for minor defects (there is some departure from specifications, but most users would not mind it).


Quality Control Sampling Process:
1) Select the right quantity of rolls based on AQL Standard. 

2) Decide each color,each lot select how many quantity of rolls.

3) Randomly select the rolls from the bulk productions.


100% Total Inspection

100% Total Inspection puts one engineer and serveral inspectors onsite perform to 100% inspection for one or some workday, to ensure each piece can meet client’s requirement.